As many of you are aware, our current Chaplain, Rev. Dean MacDonald is retiring about the end of August.
So, the Chaplaincy Search Committee is currently soliciting applications for the position of Baptist Hospital Chaplain to serve the churches of the Albert & Westmorland/Kent Baptist Associations on a part-time basis at the Moncton & the Georges L-Dumont hospitals.
The deadline for applications is Monday, June 15, 2020 & may be submitted to the Moderator of either Association (Albert, Doug Steeves; W/K, Scot Ryder) or to Rev. Dr. Rick Thomas. Once the deadline has arrived, the committee will be in touch with each applicant to arrange for an interview.
The Search Committee consists of: Rev.Douglas Steeves & Lic. Paul Steeves, from the Albert Association; & Rev. Scott Ryder, Mr. Darryl Jonah, & Rev. Dr. Rick Thomas from the Westmorland/Kent Association.
While the Job Description will be presented at the interviews, we can inform you that the successful candidate will be expected to work 8 – 10 hours per week, & the remuneration will commence at $12,000 annually.
May the Lord guide & direct you as you prayerfully consider this opportunity for a very special ministry for the King & His Kingdom.