Senior Pastor Job Description
Position Title: Full time Senior Pastor
Reports To: Hillsborough Baptist Board of Directors
Effective Date: Open
Position Overview:
We are looking to the Lord for a full-time Senior Pastor to work alongside the Board and to provide leadership, direction and vision for the Church. This person will help fulfill our mission statement which is “Making a difference for Jesus Christ in our community and in our world one life at a time”. Our new vision statement supports how we plan to reach our mission.” Growing a Christ centered multigenerational family of faith, by serving in love and equipping through Worship, Connection and Reach”. This person would need to be in agreement with HBC’s constitution and statement of faith. Most importantly we are looking for someone in love with Christ and His Word, and someone who is committed to following Christ and serving Him and His people in a local church context.
Position Qualifications/Competencies/Gifts:
- Mature Christian character who demonstrates love for God and the Church
- A humble servant-leader as described in John 13; 1 Pet 5: 1-4; I Tim 3 and Titus 1
- Takes initiative and able to operate independently when necessary
- Possesses good communication and interpersonal relational skills
- Connects and communicates with all generations
- Preferred Education:
Master’s Degree in Divinity, Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, Christian Ministry or related field experience (the equivalency of these degrees in ministry experience would also be considered)
Board Relationship:
- attend BOD meetings as a non-voting member
- collaborate with the Board of Directors (BOD) to ensure the overall spiritual direction of the church
- work jointly with the BOD to develop and maintain strategies for the church mission, work to lead the church forward into its agreed upon vision for the future
- establish measurable organizational goals and provide a mid-term and annual report of the progress of these goals in collaboration with the BOD
- help to ensure that any activities undertaken are in agreement with the spirit of the church constitution and covenant
- endeavour to see people saved and added to the church as the primary goal of their role
- establish further goals in collaboration with the BOD related to the measurable spiritual health of those in leadership, staff members, and congregants
- provide regular reviews (bi-annually) with two Board representatives
- a person of integrity who has a deeply committed personal prayer and devotional life and demonstrates a servant heart, led by the Holy Spirit
- someone who loves God with their whole heart, loves their family, and their neighbor as themselves
- a true shepherd who loves the congregation
- possess a warm, engaging, and humble personality
Biblical Doctrine
- will demonstrate a strong commitment to Biblical doctrine and polity beliefs as expressed in the 1905/06 CBAC Basis of Union document.
- possess the gifts of preaching and teaching.
- be a good communicator, able to communicate God’s Word in an engaging and relevant way through the power of the Holy Spirit
- be the primary speaker, preaching the gospel weekly, overseeing weekly worship services, midweek prayer meetings, monthly communion services, and other special services as needed, such as weddings, funerals, and nursing home services, in conjunction with staff and volunteers as needed
- demonstrate a burden for the lost, locally & globally, and engage the congregation in becoming part of this important work
Visitation and Pastoral Care:
- ensure that regular visits are made to shut ins, hospital patients, residents of nursing homes, and other members of the congregation and community as needed, in collaboration with the Congregational and Community Care Committee
- provide individual pastoral care as needed and, when appropriate, involve others to be supported in this area, based upon their maturity and expertise
- make referrals to counseling agencies where necessary
- be an active member of the Benevolent Care Team
Care of New Believers:
- will ensure that membership classes, baptism classes, and the discipling of new believers are carried out in collaboration with the Christian Education Committee
Manage Office Staff:
- have good leadership skills and be responsible for managing the church office and staff
- lead weekly staff meetings with ministerial, office staff, and stakeholders to coordinate activities on the church calendar and to plan/review worship services
- provide administrative direction as a servant leader to the staff/volunteer team and work effectively with the BOD and various committees, as required
- mentor/equip staff and volunteer leaders to fulfill their full ministry potential
- oversee ministerial staff positions and perform mid-year and annual goal setting and performance reviews, with selected BOD members as part of these reviews
- maintain all job descriptions and document annual goals attained
- provide a summary report to the BOD of the progress made in attaining each person’s goals annually
- promote prayer as a prominent place in the church life and personal lives
- lead prayer meeting
- support prayer coordinator
- cooperate with other churches and their efforts to join in prayer
Organizations and Associations:
- work with other local churches and organizations in the community to do outreach and support them spiritually and practically
- support the work of, and participate in, the Albert Association of Baptist Churches Inc.
- support the work and ministries of Canadian Baptist Ministries, as the churches outreach into the wider world
- be supportive of the work of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada Churches, the CBAC & Associations, where it aligns with Biblical principles and healthy church practices
Other duties as assigned